Welcome to Lyon CSD!
On behalf of the Lyon County School District, our Board of Trustees, and District Leadership Team, it is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the Lyon County School District (Lyon CSD). In Lyon CSD, we pride ourselves on our commitment to our amazing students and families as we strive for continuous improvement towards a world class education in our global economy.
Lyon County School District (LCSD), with over 9,000 students and 1,100 staff members is the fourth largest school district in Nevada and the largest employer in Lyon County. LCSD is comprised of 18 schools in 5 unique attendance areas including Dayton, Fernley, Silver Springs, Smith Valley, and Yerington. LCSD also includes LyOnline, which is a full-distance education option for students. Each school boasts highly qualified, dedicated, and caring instructional leaders and staff who work tirelessly to ensure the learning goals of each student are realized. We are very excited to introduce our newly developed Portrait of a Learner which embodies the learning journey in the LCSD through four domains and multiple competencies. The District motto of “Every Student… Every Classroom… Every Day” comes to life when you step into our schools and see students engaged in rigorous, real-life learning opportunities within the domains of “Learning for Life”, “Connected Learners”, “Student Ownership”, and “Discovery Learning”. LCSD is student focused and committed to their success.
We invite all families, citizens, and community leaders to visit our schools and participate in the education of our students. We know that our students will achieve their learning goals and life-long dreams through the collective work of all the adults in Lyon County and the great state of Nevada.
Superintendent Tim Logan
Lyon CSD Leadership 24-25
Lyon CSD Superintendent
Faculty Information
Contact Information
Other Information
I have been working as the Deputy Superintendent since July 2018. My experience prior to working as the Deputy Superintendent consists of 3 years as the Human Resource Director for Lyon County School District, 4 years as the principal at Dayton High School. Prior to being a principal, I was an assistant principal for 3 years at Dayton High School and 1 year as the Athletic Director. I taught for 8 years as a math teacher at Dayton High School and 1 year as a middle school math teacher at a school in Utah.
Lyon CSD Deputy Superintendent
Faculty Information
Contact Information
Questions or Public Records Request?
If you have any questions or public records requests, please contact LCSD Communications and Public Relations Officer at